Zenuncl Wiki

Genius only means hard-working all one's life...

Don't Starve Together

/ gaming / Don't Starve Together

Docker Compose for DST provided by DST Academy:

version: "2.0"
    image: dstacademy/dontstarvetogether
    container_name: dst
    hostname: dst.server
    tty: true
    stdin_open: true
    command: dst-server start --update=all
    env_file: world.env
      - "10999:10999/udp"
      - ./world:/var/lib/dsta/cluster

# Moderator Commands

# Commands, admin only:
/setrank <rank> <player> - Set the rank of a player. Use rank "user" to strip all permissions, and rank "mod" to set a player to moderator.
/kill <player> - Kill a player.
/resurrect <player> - Resurrect a player.
/godmode - Become invincible.
/spawn <amount> <prefab> - Spawns a specific prefab.
/give <amount> <prefab> - Gives a specific prefab.
/announce <msg> - Announce something at the top of players' screens.
/setportal - Sets the world's portal and spawn (survival/endless only) to your current position.

# Commands, moderator and admin:
/freeze <player> - Freezes a player and extinguishes around them. If they leave, their items drop.
/kick <player> - Drops all of a player's items, then kicks them.
/ban <player> - Drops all of a player's items, then bans them.
/unban <player> - Unbans a player banned with the /ban command.
/drop <player> - Drop all items from the player's inventory on to the ground.
/reset <player> - Drops all of a player's items, then puts them on the character selection screen.
/resetworld - Restarts the world.
/rollback - Roll the world back to the most recent save.
/rollback <number of saves> - Roll the world back x saves.
/invisible - Become invisible.
/teleport <player> (or /tp) - Teleport to a player.
/portal - Teleport to the portal (if there is one).
/back - Teleport back to where you were (before /portal or /teleport).
/extinguish (or /ext) - Extinguish all fires on the screen.

# Commands, anyone:
/rank - Tells you what rank you are.

Last Update: 2024-11-10 22:17:41 Source File